In Memory Of Our Friend
and Brother

Cpl. Robert Gordon Teather (ret.), C.V.

1947 - 2004

Cpl. Robert (Bob) G. Teather (ret.), C.V.
Friend, Brother, Scholar, Mentor, and Author
Passed from us on November 15, 2004 well before his time. Bob’s contributions to the Public Safety Diving field will be remembered by all.
He is considered the Ambassador of Public Safety Diving.
A hero through his actions, Bob received the Canadian Cross of Valour in 1981 as a diver with the RCMP in British Columbia.
There have only been 19 recipients of the Cross in its history. Bob was the thirteenth recipient and the only Mountie to receive it. He was humble. Most, if not all, of us knew nothing
of his heroic acts, just his unconditional friendship.
Bob traveled North America teaching vital skills to
Public Safety Divers including Underwater Investigations and Forensics. He lectured at many conferences, and authored several books. Our team was fortunate
to have brought Bob here to teach us in 1995. Many of us traveled to hear him speak elsewhere, always learning more from him each time. Anyone who has heard the tape, “What is a Public Safety Diver”
, has heard his voice as narrator. He continues to be instrumental in raising public awareness of the public safety diving field and the good works it provides to our communities.
He is missed by all his family and friends.
Happy trails old friend.
On December 10, 2004, a memorial service was held
in Delta, British Columbia. All who attended and the many who could not will miss his humor and guidance.
Diluted by tears I dive the murky water Mentor at my side
His hand upon me
Allowing me to swim on Showing me the path
Our hearts uplifted In pure water, he now swims With the Almighty
Bob, Friend and Brother Inspiration to us all
Thank you, you have helped
- tf 11/16/2004